

Sep 02, 2023

Wally the T

A dinosaur named Wally the T-Rex is capturing hearts and minds across the national capital region, but how did this happen? Where did he come from. Every great hero needs an origin story and the Capital City Supporters Group offers this fantastic tale…

The Champlain Sea once sat over what would become a thriving corridor, from Quebec City, to Montreal to Ottawa, for 3 000 years retreating ice shelves meant that there was nothing by a vast sea to the region. For that reason, many fossils from ancient whale species have been found in Ottawa, with some displayed in the Canadian Museum of Nature.

One such species, an ancient Beluga, has been the subject of much research, as some of its bones seem older than others. The specimen known as Wally the Whale was discovered and researched by paleontologists and biologists for years. It seemed to share some common DNA with birds, which is strange for a mammal, and in an effort to explore this connection, the scientists explored its genomic structure.

Given its relationship to birds, and the unique sequencing of its DNA, the scientists decided to try to recreate it. As it took form, however, they began to realize that this whale was peculiar indeed. It had two very small arms, and powerful hind fins. Though those fins looked an awful lot like feet. It also had large powerful jaws for consuming fish. Though its sharp teeth were surely used to hunt. Finally, they brought their creation back to life, only to see that it had not been Wally the Whale they had revived, but Wally the T-rex!

The scientists panicked and ran, as the Tyrannosaurus destroyed the laboratory and escaped into the city.

Wally was lonely, as most are when they are part of an extinct species.

He had tried to make friends everywhere he went, but people always got scared of his big teeth and a mighty roar. Then, he heard a crowd cheering in the distance. “Ottawa has a T-rex!” they shouted. Thinking it could be another one of his kind, he followed the sounds of the cheers through the city, finally arriving at TD Place. When he arrived, the other T-rex was nowhere to be found. He snuck around looking, and hiding from all the people walking around.

As he searched TD place, he saw something strange happening. A bunch of people were playing some kind of game in the middle of a field. All around them, fans were cheering them on. They all seemed to have so much fun, but he was scared that he wouldn’t fit in, and they would be scared again. He watched on, joining the roaring crowd from the shadows as the players ran up and down the pitch.

Then, suddenly, he saw the little T-rex surfing in the crowd. Seeing how excited everyone was, he seized his moment, and emerged out of the shadows to the chants that brought him here. Ottawa’s got a T-Rex! No one batted an eye that he was there. In fact, they embraced him and cheered at the sight of him. He tried to sing along, but he didn’t know the words. They didn’t care. Wally was having so much fun, he didn’t want it to end.

When the final whistle blew, everyone wanted pictures with him, and he was happy to have some new friends. No jersey fit him, so they had one specially made just for him. And now he cheers with the team wherever they go, and has a place where he belongs. The little T-rex shows up sometimes too, but even when he doesn’t, he is still with people that are just like him.

Meet Wally at Wally’s 1st Match Saturday Sept 2. GET TICKETS HERE.

How Wally found his way to TD Place…GET TICKETS HERE