

Aug 01, 2023


A team of U.S. scientists has synthesized and implemented high-performance six-degree-of-freedom flight controllers for the Bee ++ , an insect-scale flying robot driven by four independently-actuated flapping wings.

With four wings made out of carbon fiber and mylar as well as four light-weight actuators to control each wing, the Bee++ prototype is the first to fly stably in all directions. Image credit: Bena et al., doi: 10.1109/TRO.2022.3218260.

Researchers have been trying to develop artificial flying insects for more than three decades.

They could someday be used for many applications, including for artificial pollination, search and rescue efforts in tight spaces, biological research, or environmental monitoring, including in hostile environments.

But just getting the tiny robots to take off and land required development of controllers that act the way an insect brain does.

“It’s a mixture of robotic design and control,” said Dr. Néstor Pérez-Arancibia, a researcher at Washington State University.

“Control is highly mathematical, and you design a sort of artificial brain. Some people call it the hidden technology, but without those simple brains, nothing would work.”

Dr. Pérez-Arancibia and colleagues initially developed a two-winged robotic bee, but it was limited in its movement.

In 2019, they built a four-winged robot light enough to take off.

To do two maneuvers known as pitching or rolling, they make the front wings flap in a different way than the back wings for pitching and the right wings flap in a different way than the left wings for rolling, creating torque that rotates the robot about its two main horizontal axes.

But being able to control the complex yaw motion is tremendously important. Without it, robots spin out of control, unable to focus on a point. Then they crash.

“If you can’t control yaw, you’re super limited. If you’re a bee, here is the flower, but if you can’t control the yaw, you are spinning all the time as you try to get there,” Dr. Pérez-Arancibia said.

“Having all degrees of movement is also critically important for evasive maneuvers or tracking objects.”

“The system is highly unstable, and the problem is super hard. For many years, people had theoretical ideas about how to control yaw, but nobody could achieve it due to actuation limitations.”

To allow their robot to twist in a controlled manner, the researchers took a cue from insects and moved the wings so that they flap in an angled plane.

They also increased the amount of times per second their robot can flap its wings — from 100 to 160 times per second.

“Part of the solution was the physical design of the robot, and we also invented a new design for the controller – the brain that tells the robot what to do,” Dr. Pérez-Arancibia said.

“Weighing in at 95 mg with a 33-mm wingspan, the Bee++ is still bigger than real bees, which weigh around 10 mm.”

“Unlike real insects, it can only fly autonomously for about five minutes at a time, so it is mostly tethered to a power source through a cable.”

“We’re also working to develop other types of insect robots, including crawlers and water striders.”

The team’s work was published in the journal IEEE Transactions on Robotics.


Ryan M. Bena et al. 2023. High-Performance Six-DOF Flight Control of the Bee++: An Inclined-Stroke-Plane Approach. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 39 (2): 1668-1684; doi: 10.1109/TRO.2022.3218260

A team of U.S. scientists has synthesized and implemented high-performance six-degree-of-freedom flight controllers for the Bee ++ , an insect-scale flying robot driven by four independently-actuated flapping wings.